Mediterranean Pain Forum

Guidelines for the preparation and submission of Abstracts

The MPF Best Abstract Award, to be assigned within the program of the “Mediterranean Pain Forum” Congress, will reward the best Poster that will deal with one or more scientific categories among those selected:

  • Interventional pain medicine
  • Neuromodulation
  • Pharmacological treatment
  • Facial Pain
  • Regenerative Medicines

The final assignment to a category will be made by the Scientific Committee of the Congress.
The recognition intends to reward and enhance the work of all those who contribute to scientific research and clinical practice every day.The award also aims to highlight individual professional development and team work, in contributing to the research and development sector of pain medicine and neuromodulation.

Applicant should hold a PhD or equivalent, have carried out independent research and demonstrated evidence of scientific impact through high-quality publications and dissemination activities.

Applicants may stand for or be appointed by a supervisor or similar.
If making a nomination, please ensure that the candidate agrees to be nominated and agrees to sit at a plenary conference.
Applications from any country are welcome.

Applications can only be accepted by sending them to the scientific secretariat of the Congress:

Language: Italian or English
Maximum number of words: 300 (excluding Titles and authors)

Abstract Structure:

  • Premise
  • Scope
  • Materials and methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions

It is possible to send, outside the abstract, 5 bibliographic entries considered the most relevant by the authors.

Each author may submit only one work, but participate in several works as co-author.
It is possible to send several contributions as first author, but in the case of multiple acceptance, the first author must indicate the name of the co-author who will present the work or give up submitting more than one.

In case of acceptance of the abstracts, in order to be able to present and/or exhibit them during the Congress “Mediterranean Pain Forum,” it will be necessary to be regularly registered for the Congress.


  • Abstract submission: until May 5, 2023
  • Notification of Abstract acceptance: May 10, 2023
  • Each final candidate must be correctly registered for the Congress